Compartmental PK
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Compartmental PK

Compartmental PK is a widely used mathematical model to analyze pharmacokinetic (PK) processes of drug in vivo. By establishing a in silico model, the PK parameters of the drug are estimated, and its dynamic change law is revealed. As a leading service provider, BOC Sciences is able to perform high-quality compartmental PK modeling designed to provide clients with reliable guidance for drug development.

What is Compartmental PK Model?

The in vivo processes of drugs generally include absorption, distribution, metabolism (biotransformation) and excretion (ADME). In order to quantitatively study the changes of the drug in the above process, the mathematical model established by simulating the process of the drug in vivo by mathematical methods is called the pharmacokinetic (PK) model.

The transport of drugs in the body can be regarded as the transport of drugs between compartments, which is called the compartmental PK. The concept of compartmental PK is relatively abstract and has no physiological and anatomical significance. However, the division of compartments is not random, but is determined according to the tissue, organ, blood supply and the speed of drug distribution and transport.

One-Compartment Model

After the drug enters the systemic circulation, it is rapidly distributed in various tissues, organs and body fluids, and immediately reaches a dynamic equilibrium in distribution, becoming a so-called "homogeneous" state in terms of dynamics, so it is called a one-compartment model.

Two-Compartment Model

The two-compartment model regards the body as a system composed of two units with different drug distribution rates, one unit is called the central compartment, and the other unit is called the peripheral compartment. The central compartment is composed of tissues and organs that are rich in blood and blood flow (e.g. plasma, kidneys and liver), where the drug quickly achieves a balanced distribution. The peripheral compartment is composed of tissues and organs that are not rich in blood supply (e.g. muscle, skin), and the drug distribution is slow and takes a long time to reach equilibrium.

Multi-Compartment Model

The model with more than two compartments is called the multi-compartment model, which regards the body as a system composed of multiple units with different drug distribution speeds. The multi-compartment model is also called the delay distribution model.

Application of Compartmental PK

The establishment of compartment model is one of the basic methods of PK to study the dynamic process of drugs. The division of compartments can effectively simulate the dynamic characteristics of drugs in the body, combine mechanism analysis and test analysis, calculate various PK indicators relatively accurately, reflect the therapeutic effect of drugs, and guide drug development and clinical rational drug use. For example, in a compartmental PK model, dosing regimens can be varied to generate simulated concentration-time profiles that can be used to understand the effect of varying doses.

Our Advantages

  • Comprehensive PK/PD modeling
  • Extensive expertise in compartmental PK
  • Ensure high-quality data is submitted in an efficient manner
  • Work closely with customers
  • Experienced team of pharmacology experts
  • Data modeling and analysis, detailed results reporting and discussion
  • Cost-effective

What Can We Do?

BOC Sciences has an experienced team of pharmacology experts dedicated to meeting the needs of clients' projects. Compartmental PK can be used at multiple stages of drug development as a tool to help understand the effects of drugs on the body. With strong expertise and 24-hour customer service, BOC Sciences provides superior compartmental PK service.