Nanogel Drug Delivery System Development
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Nanogel Drug Delivery System Development

As a leading biopharmaceutical company, BOC Sciences is committed to providing cutting-edge nanogel drug delivery system development services, from the design and preparation of nanogel to the comprehensive characterization of the entire process, each step closely tailored to the unique needs of customers, to drive innovation in cutting-edge drug delivery technology.

What are nanogels?

Nanogel, as a unique nanoscale material in the biomedical field, is a leader in the hydrogel family, its essence is a three-dimensional spatial network structure of polymer skeleton, the size is precisely regulated to the nanometer level, the diameter of the upper limit is limited to 200 nm, and the more accurate definition of its range is locked between 0.1 and 100 nm. Nanogels are unique in that they cleverly integrate the hydrophilicity of hydrogels with the variability of nanoparticles, demonstrating not only superior water solubility, but also adjustable mechanical properties, excellent biocompatibility, and keen response to external stimuli, making them ideal for biomedical applications.

The rigorously defined size of the nanogel ranges from 0.1 to 100 nmFig. 1 Examples of gels. (Kubeil, M., 2024)

The formation mechanism of nanogels can be divided into two main ways: chemical crosslinking and physical crosslinking. Chemical crosslinking builds a stable network structure through the formation of covalent bonds. Physical crosslinking relies on hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction or other non-covalent interactions to give the nanogel structural stability and functional diversity. Regardless of the crosslinking method used, the final product can maintain its inherent form in the swelling state, and will neither dissolve nor melt, demonstrating excellent physicochemical stability. Its raw materials range from natural polymers, such as chitosan, to synthetic polymers, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which, through carefully designed cross-linking reactions, create a strong and flexible three-dimensional network that can efficiently support and protect drug molecules, proteins, peptides and even nucleic acids, making it a useful aid in precision medicine.

Advantages of nanogels

Excellent water affinity: In water-based environments, nanogels exhibit remarkable stability, effectively absorbing water without dissolving, which is critical for water-based drug delivery systems.

Extensive tunability: Thanks to sophisticated chemical synthesis technology, the size, shape, surface charge and internal structure of nanogels can be customized to meet a variety of application scenarios.

Biocompatibility and biodegradability: The nano-gel prepared with biocompatible polymers can effectively avoid immune rejection and degrade naturally after completing the mission, greatly reducing the potential risk of long-term residue in the body.

Responsiveness: Nanogels can adjust their properties in real time based on external stimuli such as temperature, pH, specific chemical signals or light to achieve intelligent drug delivery or biosensing.

High drug loading: The three-dimensional network structure gives the nanogel powerful drug loading ability, significantly improving drug bioavailability, while reducing the frequency and dose of administration, optimizing the therapeutic effect.

Stability: The long half-life in the blood ensures that the nanogel can effectively avoid rapid clearance, extend the time of drug action, and enhance the continuity of treatment.

Versatility: Nanogels can be designed as multifunctional carriers, such as simultaneously carrying drugs and imaging agents, to achieve integrated diagnosis and treatment, opening up new paths for precision medicine

What is nanogel used for?

Drug delivery: Nanogels can be used as highly efficient drug carriers, they are capable of loading a variety of drug molecules, including water - and fat-soluble drugs, as well as macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. These drugs can be released at specific sites or conditions through the structure of the nanogel to achieve targeted therapy.

Imaging and diagnostics: Nanogels can carry fluorescent molecules, radioisotopes, or other imaging tags for biomedical imaging and disease diagnosis, such as imaging via MRI, PET, or SPECT.

Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: Nanogels can be used as biomaterials to build artificial tissues or as scaffolds for cell cultures to promote cell growth and differentiation.

Our nanogel drug delivery system development services

With its deep scientific research strength and extensive experience, BOC Sciences is committed to providing customers with a full range of nanogel drug delivery system development services, from the fine design of nanogel to strict quality control, ensuring that each service meets the highest standards.

Custom nanogel design and preparation

The selection of polymers is the core of the construction of efficient nanogels, and BOC Sciences strictly selects polymers with biocompatibility, biodegradability and suitable mechanical strength to lay a solid foundation for the performance of nanogels. Advanced equipment such as microfluidic technology, magnetic stirrer and high pressure homogenizer are used to achieve accurate synthesis of nanogel. Through iterative optimization, the crosslinking degree, porosity and surface functionalization of the gel were adjusted to enhance the loading efficiency and biocompatibility of the drug. With the help of advanced polymerization techniques such as free radical polymerization, click chemistry and self-assembly, the properties of nanogels can be carefully controlled. Whether it is to improve the solubility of drugs, improve stability or achieve precise targeted delivery, we can tailor the best solutions for customers.

Drug delivery and characterization of nanogel

Cutting-edge technology ensures high encapsulation efficiency and stability of the drug in the nanogel matrix, while optimizing the drug load ratio to match the desired release kinetics and therapeutic effect. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to investigate the interaction between the drug and the nanogel matrix to ensure the effective binding and continuous release of the drug. Through a series of characterization techniques, such as particle size analysis, zeta potential determination, transmission electron microscopy observation and drug release kinetics evaluation, we ensure that the nanogel performance meets the expected standards.

Nanogel functionalization

To facilitate targeted delivery, the nanogel surface is modified with specific ligands such as antibodies or peptides. This customization increases the precision of targeting, ensuring that the drug reaches the desired site with minimal off-target effects. The integration of stimulus-response properties such as pH, temperature, or enzyme sensitivity into the nanogel allows for on-demand drug release triggered by specific physiological conditions.

In vitro and in vivo testing

Rigorous in vitro and in vivo evaluation ensures that the nanogel is biocompatible and non-toxic. Cell viability assays, hemolysis tests, and animal models were used to fully evaluate safety. Efficacy studies were conducted in relevant animal models to demonstrate the therapeutic potential of nanogel formulations. The parameters of biological distribution, pharmacokinetics and efficacy were analyzed in detail.

Advanced instruments

  • Microfluidic chip system
  • High pressure homogenizer
  • Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
  • Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
  • High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Mass spectrometry (MS)
  • Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
  • Flow cytometer
  • Confocal laser scanning microscope

Our workflow

  • Customer demand analysis and formulation design
  • Preparation and optimization of nanogel: It involves the key steps of nanoparticle synthesis, polymer selection, crosslinking agent optimization, etc.
  • Physical and chemical properties and stability test
  • In vitro and in vivo evaluation
  • Data feedback
  • Large-scale production scheme
  • Technical support and consultation


1. What is a nanogel drug delivery system?

A nanogel drug delivery system involves the use of nanoscale hydrogels to encapsulate and deliver therapeutic agents. These nanogels are highly versatile, providing controlled release, enhanced bioavailability, and targeted delivery to specific tissues or cells.

2. What therapeutic agents can be delivered using nanogels?

Nanogels can be used to deliver a wide variety of therapeutic agents, including small molecules, proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, and even whole cells. This makes them suitable for applications in cancer therapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy, and more.

3. How are nanogels fabricated?

Nanogels can be fabricated using various polymerization techniques, such as free-radical polymerization, emulsion polymerization, and click chemistry. The choice of method depends on the specific application and the desired properties of the nanogel.

4. How do you ensure the biocompatibility of nanogels?

We use biocompatible and biodegradable materials to fabricate our nanogels. We also conduct extensive in vitro and in vivo testing to ensure that the materials and the final product are safe for therapeutic use.

5. Can you customize the nanogel properties according to our needs?

Yes, we offer customizable solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. This can include modifications in nanogel size, drug loading capacity, release kinetics, and surface modifications for targeted delivery.

6. What kind of analytical techniques do you use to characterize nanogels?

  • Dynamic light scattering (DLS) for size and zeta potential measurements.
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for morphological analysis.
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for chemical structure analysis.
  • High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for drug release studies.

7. How do I get started with your nanogel drug delivery system development services?

To get started, you can contact our team via email or phone with details about your project requirements. We will arrange an initial consultation to discuss your needs and how we can best assist you.


  1. Kubeil, M.; et al. Exploring the potential of nanogels: From drug carriers to radiopharmaceutical agents. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2024, 13(1): 2301404.