Safety & Toxicology
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Safety & Toxicology

A general toxicology study of a product is key to proving that your product is safe for consumers. BOC Sciences provides a full range of safety and toxicology services such as analysis, immunotoxicology, genotoxicology, toxicokinetics, safe pharmacology, etc. BOC Sciences' Integrated safety, bioanalysis, and toxicology services provide comprehensive support and seamless transition to post-stage research, guiding the entire process of new therapies from discovery to development to product release. Our team has great technology and extensive academic, scientific, and pharmaceutical industry experience, and we can deliver solutions regardless of the workflow.

What is Toxicology?

Toxicology is a science that uses the principles and methods of toxicology to evaluate the safety of drugs systematically and clarify the mechanism of their toxicity in order to reduce the harm of drugs to human health. Its main purpose is to guide the rational clinical use of drugs, reduce adverse drug reactions and reduce the failure of new drug development due to drug toxicity. In recent years, the rapid development of molecular biology, cell biology, systems biology and other frontier disciplines and related technologies, especially genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, has given drug toxicology a new opportunity for development, so that it has undergone a great change in research ideas, methods, techniques and concepts, thus truly achieving its leap from the organ and tissue level to the molecular or even genetic level.

Safety & Toxicology

Service Content

We provide a full range of services to support rapid clinical entry of your pilot compounds - simplifying your development process.

Service NameDescription
General ToxicologyGeneral toxicology studies explore the potential for chemicals to cause adverse health effects after one or more exposures, whether accidental or intentional.
ImmunotoxicologyImmunotoxicology is dedicated to the study of the adverse effects of drugs and all other chemicals on immune reactivity (immunosuppression and immunostimulation) in treated or exposed live hosts, as well as the induction of hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmunity.
Genetic ToxicologyGenetic toxicology is used to study the damage caused to genes by chemical or physical factors.
ToxicokineticsToxicokinetics help determine systemic toxicity by using plasma concentrations of compounds and correlation of dose over time.
Safety PharmacologySafety pharmacology specializes in detecting and studying potential adverse pharmacodynamic effects of new chemical entities (NCE) on physiological functions associated with treatment coverage and above exposure.
Specialized ToxicologyBOC Sciences offers specialized toxicology services such as adolescent toxicity, chronic toxicity, investigational toxicology, neurotoxicity, etc.
Developmental and Reproductive ToxicologyThe goal of developmental and reproductive toxicology studies or development and reproductive toxicology studies is to detect any effects of drugs over the complete reproductive cycle associated with humans - from initial conception to the reproductive capacity of the next generation.
Computational ToxicologyThe toxicity of drugs is one of the main causes of clinical failure of newly developed drugs. In recent years, computational toxicology has received attention from relevant legislation and research institutions in the United States and the European Union, and is increasingly used to predict the possible metabolites and toxicity of drugs in vivo.
SENDThe Standard for Exchange of Non-Clinical Data (SEND) is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-required electronic data format standard for data submissions for studies related to safety pharmacology, general pharmacology, and reproductive toxicology.

Animal Welfare

BOC Sciences works to improve animal health and welfare. We respect the organizational commitment to the ethical and humane use of laboratory animals, paying particular attention to the housing conditions and environmental enrichment of our animal species.

Our Advantages

  • Reduce the cost and time of bringing new drugs to market through earlier identification of drug toxicity.
  • Enhance drug safety assessment and reduce animal experimentation.
  • Optimized evaluation approach and a more integrated approach to safety and efficacy studies to improve success rates.

We offer more. BOC Sciences has the ideal equipment to provide you with comprehensive expertise in chemicals, agrochemicals, fungicides, cosmetics, and food toxicology research. From standardized study designs to custom study designs, BOC Sciences is committed to providing the highest quality service, timely and accurate results, and expert advice from its highly qualified staff to help clients make appropriate decisions about risk and meet the increasingly stringent quality, regulatory, and safety standards required by the expanding needs of authorities worldwide.

Please contact us at any time and we promise to support your company with reliable research for your submission.