Drug Formulation Development
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Drug Formulation Development

At BOC Sciences, we are committed to providing comprehensive drug formulation development services in the spirit of innovation and professionalism to meet the diverse development needs of our customers. The range of services includes the delicate construction of oral solid, oral liquid, injectable, lyophilized and semi-solid formulations, each step of which reflects our extreme attention to detail and deep understanding of technology.

What is a drug formulation?

Drug formulation, as the core of the drug development process, its importance should not be underestimated. It is not only about the clever integration of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients, but also how to ensure that the drug is delivered to the patient for maximum effectiveness, while ensuring its safety and consistency. formulation design not only directly affects the efficacy of the drug, but also relates to the stability of the drug, shelf life and the acceptance of the treatment plan. In this process, the selection of appropriate excipients, the determination of the best dosage form and the development of precise manufacturing processes are all topics we focus on.

Types of our drug formulation development services

At BOC Sciences, we know how to develop a wide range of dosage forms, and we offer a range of services that are carefully curated to meet our clients' different drug development visions:

Oral solid dosage form development

Oral solid preparations have won widespread favor for their portability and ease of use. Using cutting-edge formulation technologies such as direct tablet pressing, wet granulation and coating, the formulation is tailored to the physical and chemical properties of the drug to ensure rapid release in the body and improve bioavailability. We also pay special attention to drug stability research to ensure that products are of consistent quality throughout their shelf life, providing patients with safe and effective treatment options.

Tabelets: Specializing in the development of controlled release, sustained release and rapid release tablets, according to specific treatment needs, precise regulation of drug release mode, to achieve personalized treatment.

Capsules: We provide formulation development services for hard and soft capsules to ensure accurate encapsulation of active ingredients and excipients to maintain drug uniformity and consistency.

Powders and granules: The development of easy-to-recover powder and granule formulations, with special attention to stability and ease of use, to provide intimate care for special populations.

Oral liquid dosage form development

Oral liquid preparations, especially solutions, syrups and suspensions, are ideal for children, the elderly and patients with swallowing disorders because of their good taste and absorbability. By optimizing the solvent system, selecting the flavor modifier and stabilizer, the patient experience is improved, while ensuring the stability of the drug in the liquid state, protecting the effectiveness and safety of the drug.

Solutions: Through carefully selected solvents and excipients, the stability and palatability of the drug in solution are ensured, and instant bioavailability is achieved.

Suspensions: The development of suspensions for drugs that are insoluble in water ensures accurate dosage by optimizing particle size and uniform dispersion to avoid precipitation.

Emulsions: For drugs with poor water solubility, stable emulsions are designed to cleverly improve bioavailability and improve patients' compliance with treatment plans.

Injectable liquid formulations development

The development of injectable liquid formulations as a rapidly acting treatment requires a high degree of rigor. At BOC Sciences, we have an injection research and development team of experienced experts who are proficient in the art of preparation and quality control of all types of injections. From solubility considerations of the drug, to subtle adjustments of pH, to precise control of osmotic pressure, to the strict implementation of aseptic treatment, we ensure that every step is impeccable. More importantly, we have a deep understanding of the distribution law and metabolic path of drugs in the human body, and through careful optimization of the formulation, not only reduces the discomfort at the injection site, but also significantly improves the therapeutic effect, making each dose a solid step in the patient's recovery journey.

Injections: The clear, sterile and stable injection is a custom-made solution for parenteral dose-delivery, designed to ensure rapid and predictable treatment results.

Suspensions for injection: The development of injectable suspensions, with their controlled particle size distribution, ensures the uniformity and stability of the formulation, resulting in continuous and reliable efficacy for patients.

Emulsions for injection: For drugs that require lipid delivery systems, we formulationte injectable emulsions that significantly increase bioavailability and thus enhance therapeutic effectiveness.

Lyophilized formulation development

Lyophilized preparations, with their excellent stability, long shelf life and easy transportation characteristics, occupy a pivotal position in the field of biological products. We use cutting-edge freeze-drying technology to quickly freeze the drug solution at low temperatures, and then remove the water through a sublimation process to produce freeze-dried powder injections. In this process, we strictly control key parameters such as freezing rate, sublimation temperature and pressure to ensure that the active ingredients of the drug are fully preserved, while significantly improving the stability and solubility of the product, providing patients with safer and more convenient treatment options.

Lyophilized powders: These powders need to be reformulationted into a solution or suspension before administration. Our freeze-dried formulations are designed to maintain the integrity and potency of medicines through the freeze-drying process and during storage, especially for those that are sensitive to heat and moisture.

Complex lyophilized preparations: We focus on the development of lyophilized formulations for biologics, peptides and other complex molecules, ensuring the stability and efficacy of the formulations, and providing strong support for the treatment of complex diseases.

Semi-solid dosage form development

Semi-solid dosage forms, such as ointments, gels and creams, are widely used in many fields such as dermatology, gynecology and surgery, and are unique in their ability to achieve efficient and safe local administration. At BOC Sciences, we carefully design matrix formulations according to the characteristics and specific uses of the drug to ensure maximum therapeutic effect through precise control of drug release rate and permeability. At the same time, we attach great importance to the texture and touch of products, and strive to give patients the most comfortable and pleasant experience.

Creams and ointments: Creams and ointments with ideal consistency, excellent spreadability, and accurate drug release properties for dermatological and other topical applications to meet diverse therapeutic needs.

Gels: The gel formulation enhances drug penetration and controls release rate, and is especially suitable for local and transdermal drug delivery, resulting in a more personalized treatment plan for patients.

Suppository: Specially designed suppository formulations for rectal or vaginal administration ensure the right melting point and drug release characteristics, making treatment more accurate and effective.

Drug formulation equipment capacity

  • CNC tablet press
  • Dry granulator
  • Wet granulator
  • Spray dryer
  • Capsule filling machine
  • Freeze-drying machine
  • High efficiency coating machine
  • Fluidized bed
  • Square cone mixer
  • Air mill
  • Blister packaging machine
  • Extrusion rolling machine
  • High shear mixer
  • Homogenizer
  • Microfluidizer
  • Automatic dissolution tester
  • Sterile filling and packaging equipment

Why choose BOC Sciences?

Customized services: In-depth understanding of customer needs, combined with the physical and chemical characteristics of drugs and clinical application needs, to provide tailor-made preparation research and development solutions.

Innovative research and development platform: With advanced research and development equipment and laboratories, we have established a complete formulation research and development platform to support the whole chain research and development services from drug screening to formulation process optimization.

Professional team: It brings together professionals in pharmaceutics, analytical chemistry, pharmacology and other fields to form a highly efficient collaborative and innovative R & D team.

Quality control system: A strict quality control system has been established to follow the relevant domestic and foreign regulations and standards to ensure the compliance of the R & D process and the safety and effectiveness of the products.


1. Why is drug formulation development important?

Formulation development is crucial because it affects the drug's therapeutic efficacy, stability, shelf life, and patient compliance. A well-developed formulation ensures that the drug performs as intended, maintains its potency over time, and is easy for patients to use.

2. What types of drug formulations does your company develop?

  • Oral solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules, powders, granules)
  • Oral liquid dosage forms (solutions, suspensions, emulsions, syrups)
  • Injectable liquid dosage forms
  • Lyophilized formulations
  • Semi-solid dosage forms (creams, ointments, gels, suppositories)

3. How long does the formulation development process take?

The duration of the formulation development process can vary depending on the complexity of the formulation and the specific requirements of the project. On average, it can take several months to a couple of years to develop a robust and stable formulation ready for clinical trials or market launch.

4. Can you handle the formulation of biologics and complex molecules?

Yes, we have extensive experience in formulating biologics, peptides, and other complex molecules. Our advanced equipment and expertise allow us to develop stable and effective formulations for these challenging substances.

5. Do you offer formulation development for controlled-release or targeted drug delivery systems?

Absolutely. We specialize in developing various advanced drug delivery systems, including controlled-release, extended-release, and targeted delivery formulations. Our goal is to enhance the therapeutic efficacy and patient compliance of the drugs we formulate.

6. What kind of analytical testing do you perform during formulation development?

  • High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for API and excipient quantification
  • Gas chromatography (GC) for volatile compounds and residual solvents
  • Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for thermal analysis
  • Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for chemical structure identification
  • Particle size analysis for suspensions, emulsions, and lyophilized products
  • Stability testing to evaluate shelf life under various conditions

7. Do you provide GMP-compliant manufacturing for developed formulations?

Yes, we offer GMP-compliant manufacturing services for formulations developed in our facility. We ensure that all products meet the highest standards of quality and regulatory compliance.