Nano Preparation Production Services
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Nano Preparation Production Services

In the field of biomedicine, the development and production of nanoparticle preparations is not only the forefront of science and technology, but also the key driving force to promote the innovation of modern medical therapies. BOC Sciences is committed to the pursuit of high quality, efficiency and innovation to provide customers worldwide with comprehensive and excellent nano preparation production services. We understand the core needs of the biomedical industry and are committed to creating solutions that meet the highest industry standards, from concept incubation to marketing.

Our nano preparation production services

GMP standard production: Guarantee of quality and safety

At BOC Sciences, we understand that every step in pharmaceutical production is related to the safety and efficacy of the final product. Therefore, we are committed to Good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards, which are applied throughout our entire manufacturing process to ensure that every nanoparticle carries the highest quality commitment. Our production facilities are not only equipped with industry-leading high-tech equipment, but also have a strict internal audit system, regularly accept third-party professional audits, and strictly control the production environment. From the source screening of high-quality raw materials, to refined production operations, and then to aseptic packaging, every step is subject to strict quality control to achieve precise control of nanoparticle preparations.

Scalable production solutions

In the development and production process of biomedicine, from small-scale experiments in the laboratory to industrial mass production, each step faces different challenges. BOC Sciences' advanced production facilities, such as microfluidic equipment, high-pressure homogenizers and ultrafiltration systems, enable precise control of the physical properties of nanoparticles, including size, distribution and stability, to ensure consistency and repeatability of the formulation. Our production services cover the whole process from initial research and development to later commercialization, whether it is small-scale customized services or large-scale industrial production, we can provide flexible, efficient and cost-effective solutions to help customers smooth the transition and accelerate the product to market.

Small-scale production: For projects in the early stages of development, we provide flexible small-scale production services to quickly optimize formulations through efficient testing and iteration, reduce upfront investment, and accelerate the iteration and improvement of product prototypes.

Mass production: As the project matures, the demand for nanoparticle preparations surges. Our strong production capabilities ensure that even in high volume production, product quality remains at a high level to meet the market's large-scale supply needs and help customers maximize business value.

Customized solutions: We firmly believe that every project is unique. Therefore, BOC Sciences' team of experts will work closely with customers to customize production solutions to their specific needs, whether it is to adjust the scale of production, optimize the formulation process, or introduce innovative technologies, we can provide tailor-made solutions to ensure that the final product is perfectly suited to the market needs.

Different types of nano preparation manufacturing

BOC Sciences' services cover a wide range of nanomaterials and we have the expertise and experience to provide you with customized formulation design, process optimization and quality analysis services. Our goal is to achieve precision medicine through innovative nanotechnology to improve the solubility, bioavailability and targeting of drugs, reduce side effects, and extend the cycle time of drugs in the body.

  • Nanocrystal technology: The miracle of reshaping drug solubility

In the face of the challenge of insoluble drugs, nanocrystalline technology is like a key to open the door to improve the solubility and bioavailability of drugs. Through precision wet grinding and high pressure homogenization technology, we are able to reduce the size of the drug to the nanometer level, which not only enhances the solubility of the drug, but also ensures the uniform distribution and high stability of the particles. The application of this technology makes the drug more quickly and fully absorbed in the body, thus significantly improving the therapeutic effect.

  • Liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles: Precision tools for targeted delivery

Liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles play an important role in the field of drug delivery due to their excellent biocompatibility and targeted delivery capabilities. BOC Sciences' liposome and solid lipid nanoparticle manufacturing services rely on precise formulation design and process optimization to achieve effective encapsulation and precise delivery of drugs. Whether it is a chemotherapy drug to treat a tumor or an anti-inflammatory drug to target a specific inflammatory area, we can create a unique nanocarrier to ensure that the drug accurately reaches the lesion and maximizes the efficacy.

  • Polymer nanoparticles preparation

Polymer nanoparticles, as the star of drug delivery systems, have won a wide range of applications for their unique slow release and targeting properties. At BOC Sciences, we use a variety of high-performance polymers, such as PLGA (polylactic acid-glycolic acid), PEG (polyethylene glycol), etc., to carefully construct nanoparticle structures to meet the delivery needs of different drugs. Whether you need to extend drug circulation time in the body or achieve targeted delivery to specific tissues, our polymer nanoparticles provide customized solutions that open up new paths for drug delivery.

  • Nanoemulsion preparation

Nanoemulsion technology, through the formation of oil-water nanoemulsion, has greatly improved the solubility and biological absorption of drugs. At BOC Sciences, we use ultrasonic emulsifiers, microfluidic equipment for laboratory scale customization and high precision emulsion preparation; high pressure homogenizer and high speed shear emulsifier are used for pilot scale study.

  • Nano suspensions preparation

The microjet homogenization method, as the optimal technology for the preparation of nano suspension, can realize the precise dispersion and stable suspension of drug particles under high pressure. BOC Sciences used high-pressure microjet homogenizer to cycle the mixture of API and surfactant at a pressure of 1,500 bar to produce a nanoparticle suspension with uniform particle size and excellent stability. This technology is not only suitable for a variety of drug types, but also can meet the needs of industrial production, and provide strong support for the large-scale preparation of pharmaceutical preparations.

Nano suspension is prepared by microjet ultra-high pressure homogenization methodFig. 1 Schematic diagram of microjet ultra-high pressure homogenization method.

  • Dendrimers preparation

These highly branched, star-shaped polymers are used in targeted drug delivery and diagnostic applications. Our dendrimer production services ensure precise control over particle size and functionalization.

Innovation and development of nanotechnology

At BOC Sciences, our research and development team is always at the forefront of nanotechnology, constantly exploring innovative nano formulation technologies. From the application of supercritical fluid technology to the optimization of cryochemical methods, we are committed to developing novel multifunctional nanocarriers to improve drug targeting, reduce side effects, and enhance drug efficacy and safety. Whether it is personalized treatment for a specific disease model or large-scale production for the global market, BOC Sciences will provide you with customized solutions that together open up the possibilities of biomedicine.

Quality assurance and control: Excellence at every step

At BOC Sciences, quality is our lifeline. From the rigorous screening of raw materials, to the fine monitoring of intermediates, to the comprehensive inspection of the final product, our quality control system covers every detail of the entire production process. Each batch of products is subjected to a rigorous quality assessment to ensure that it meets the highest international standards. We know that only the ultimate pursuit of quality can create brilliant achievements in the field of biomedicine.

Nano preparation production services process

Demand consultation and analysis: Our team of experts will communicate with you to understand your drug characteristics, treatment goals and market positioning in detail to ensure that our services fully meet your needs.

Custom formula design: Using advanced computational models and artificial intelligence techniques, we can accurately predict the structure and properties of nanoparticles to design optimal formulations.

Laboratory preparation and verification: The precise preparation and comprehensive characterization of nanoparticles is carried out in laboratories equipped with cutting-edge equipment such as ultra-high speed shear dispersors, freeze dryers, transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and dynamic light scatterers (DLS).

Large-scale production: The use of microfluidic chip systems and automated production lines ensures that the mass production of nanomaterials is both efficient and stable to meet the needs of clinical trials and market supply.

Quality control and compliance: Strictly follow the GMP standard, use high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry technology (LC-MS/MS) and other means to carry out multi-dimensional quality testing to ensure product safety and compliance.

Technology transfer and after-sales support: Provide detailed technical documentation and training to help customers achieve seamless technology transfer, at the same time, we provide continuous technical advisory services to ensure the smooth progress of the production process.


1. How do you ensure the quality and safety of your nanoparticle formulations?

We adhere to good manufacturing practices (GMP) standards to ensure the highest quality and safety of our nanoparticle formulations. Our production facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and our rigorous quality control processes encompass all stages of production, from raw material sourcing to final product packaging. Regular audits and continuous monitoring further ensure compliance with international standards.

2. Do you offer customized production solutions?

Absolutely. We recognize that each project is unique and provide customized production solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. Our team works closely with clients to adjust the scale of production, modify formulation processes, and deliver optimal results.

3. What are the benefits of using liposomes in drug delivery?

  • Encapsulation of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs
  • Enhanced drug stability
  • Controlled release properties
  • Reduced toxicity and side effects

4. How do polymeric nanoparticles enhance drug delivery?

Polymeric nanoparticles are biodegradable and can be engineered to provide targeted drug delivery, controlled release, and protection of encapsulated drugs from degradation. They are suitable for a wide range of applications, including cancer therapy and vaccine delivery, offering improved therapeutic outcomes.

5. How do nanocrystals improve drug solubility?

Nanocrystals are a solution for poorly soluble drugs, enhancing their bioavailability by reducing particle size to the nanometer range. This increases the surface area for dissolution, leading to improved absorption and therapeutic efficacy.

6. What advanced equipment do you use in your production facilities?

Our production facilities are equipped with a comprehensive array of advanced equipment, including high-pressure homogenizers, spray dryers, and lyophilizers. This state-of-the-art technology enables us to produce a wide range of nanoparticle formulations with precision and efficiency.

7. How do you ensure consistency and quality across all batches of nanoparticle formulations?

Integrated quality control laboratories within our facilities enable real-time monitoring and testing of products. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that every batch of nanoparticle formulations meets the highest standards of quality and consistency.